

Her girls’ comics are based on school life that discusses issues that teenagers are commonly faced with like bullying and identification. Therefore, a number of student readers love it. The coloring of the comics is mostly in dreamy pinkish tone. She has just held three autograph sessions at the 2018 Taipei International Comics and Animation Festival and her fanbase is continuously growing. Comic Works: 《Whisper of the Heart》(3 episodes)

拒絕與人來往的高一新生—韓可欣,遇上了總是嘻皮笑臉的風雲人物—夏宇辰, 原本毫無交集的兩人卻意外發現,夏宇辰可以聽見她內心的聲音?!

Hear My Heart (3 episodes)
High school freshman Han Ke Hsin refused to interact with anyone until she came across the always goofy famed figure, Xia Yu Chen. At first they had zero connection whatsoever but surprisingly, Han found out that Xia Yu Chen is able to hear the voice from her heart?!


電話:(02)2517-6963 傳真:(02)2502-3270
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