
  擁有卓越的漫畫實力,是少數能獨力完成週刊作品的台灣漫畫家。為首位在「週刊少年JUMP」中刊載過作品的非日本人作者。個人原創漫畫有《STORY童話書裡的童話》、《方舟奇航》系列。2014年與日本著名腳本家安童夕馬(樹林伸)合作,在DeNA平台【漫畫王(マンガボックス∕MangaBox)】進行日中英三種語言的週刊連載《新宿DxD》。同年擔任台灣漫畫博覽會主視覺設計繪師。2015年底繪製知名警探作品《MOZU-百舌-》電影連動漫畫。《時間支配者》於集英社線上漫畫平台【少年JUMP+】進行連載,單行本已授權發行五種語言版本,並於2017年動畫化,創下台灣原創漫畫作品首次在日本電視台播出,同時於亞歐美跨國同步播出的里程碑。2018年與日本最大旅行社JTB、知名手遊「荒野行動」合作,為其推行的「LUGGAGE-FREE TRAVEL」服務繪製宣傳看板娘。現於日本有四部作品正在連載中,其一為於SQUARE-ENIX旗下漫畫app【マンガUP!(Manga UP!)】上連載、與奈栩合作的《我的現實是戀愛遊戲??》;其二為同在【マンガUP!】連載、系列熱銷150萬冊的《転生賢者の異世界ライフ》;其三為以台灣為背景舞台、於秋田書店電子雜誌【どこでもヤングチャンピオン】連載的個人原創漫畫《333APP》;其四為與正璽共同製作、於日本角川集團連載的知名IP《Hortensia Saga 蒼之騎士團》漫畫版。

  With remarkable comics drawing prowess, he is one of the few Taiwanese cartoonists who can work independently on weekly magazines. He was the first non-Japanese author to publish his work in the weekly magazine [Weekly Shonen JUMP]. His original comics include《STORY》and the《ARK SAGA》series. In 2014, he partnered with the famous Japanese screenwriter, Shin Kibayashi to serialize《Shinjuku DxD》on the DeNA platform [MangaBox] in a tri-language (Japanese, Chinese, English) weekly magazine. In the same year, he served as one of the chief visual designers of the Taiwan Manga Expo. At the end of 2015, he drew for the popular police detective movie-based comics,《MOZU》.《Chronos Ruler》was serialized on the online comic platform [Shonen JUMP+]. The separate edition was authorized to be released in five languages and depicted in anime in 2017, and it became the first original Taiwanese comics to be broadcasted in Japanese TV. It also had synchronized broadcasts across Asia, Europe and America. In 2018, he partnered with   Japan's largest travel agency JTB and the well-known mobile game "Knives Out" to create a promotional signage for its "Luggage-Free Travel" service. 
  Currently, he has two serialized works under SQUARE-ENIX's comics app [Manga UP!]: the series《俺の現実は恋愛ゲーム??》together with Nashyu, which is now on its fourth episode while the two separate editions of《転生賢者の異世界ライフ》has sold over 1,500,000 copies. At Akita Shoten, his original manga 《333APP》is  serialized in Web comic magazine [どこでもヤングチャンピオン]. At KADOKAWA Group, he and SEIJI are making the manga version of < Hortensia Saga>, one of the famous IP of their company .


電話:(02)2517-6963 傳真:(02)2502-3270
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