
  以秀麗可愛畫風見長,對於插畫與設計十分拿手,萌系美少女魅力萬分。在SQUARE-ENIX邀約下,擔任過輕小說《幽靈調查什麼的應該不可怕吧?》的插畫繪製而廣受好評,亦曾參於日本大型連線網路遊戲《桃色大戰 (桃色大戦ぱいろん)》的人物設定。目前在日本角川有兩部連載作品,一部是在紙本雜誌【月刊コミックアライブ(Comic Alive)】連載的《魔技科的劍士與召喚魔王》,日文版累積銷售已超越70萬冊,並陸續推出中文、英文、泰文等版本;另一部為與星河蟹共同執筆的《我的女友是老師》於【Comic Walker】及【ニコニコ静画】同步刊載,並創下第一集發售旋即再版的紀錄。

  Boasting of an elegant and adorable style, SDwing is very good at illustrations and design, and fully bringing out the charm of the adorable young lady in his work. Upon the invitation of SQUARE-ENIX, he was the illustrator of the light novel《ゆ、幽霊調査なんて、こ、怖くないからねっ!?》which was very positively received. he also once joined the character set-up of the Japanese large-scale online game《Release the Seal Concealed on the Card》Currently, he is involved in the comics serialization of the《Magika Swordsman and Summoner》in the Japanese popular magazine [Comic Alive]. The Japanese version of which has exceeded 700,000 copies and was successively launched in Chinese, English, Thai, Korean, among other versions. He and HoshiGani has a new manga <我的女友是老師> on Comic Walker and  [Nico Seiga] at the same time, and got reprint on the first day sold.


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