
  擅於述說故事的氣氛營造,繪圖質感細膩的技巧派繪師。2013年與好面和台灣街機大廠鈊象電子合作,推出的機器人動作漫畫《機甲英雄FIGHT!》大受好評,並於同年擔任台灣漫畫博覽會主視覺設計繪師。於電子媒體【COMICO】連載的《鬼鏡花》也有很高的迴響。2017年底與好面再度合作於日本角川雜誌【月刊ドラゴンエイジ(Dragon Age)】與網路平台【ComicWalker】連載《剣士を目指して入学したのに魔法適性9999なんですけど!?》,於日本發售單行本第1集在GAMERS秋葉原本店舉辦發售紀念主題展,出版未滿一個月即大量再版,並2019年底授權發行繁體中文版。

  He is very adept at creating and describing the atmosphere of a story. He is considered a very skilled and talented artist whose drawings are very fine and delicate. In 2013, he and iimAn, in collaboration with Taiwan's arcade manufacturer, International Games System, launched the robotic action comic《機甲英雄FIGHT!》which was extremely well-received by the public. In the same year, he was one of the chief visual designers at the Taiwan Manga Expo. The serialized《鬼鏡花》on the e-media [COMICO] also garnered very positive response. During the latter part of 2017, he partnered with iimAn to work on the Japanese magazine, [Dragon Age] and the online platform, [ComicWalker] to simultaneously serialize《剣士を目指して入学したのに魔法適性9999なんですけど!?》For the first episode of the separate edition sold in Japan, a commemorative sales exhibit was held at the GAMERS Akihabara store, and a large number of reprints were ordered less than one month after its publication. 2019, the Traditional Chinese version is published.

電話:(02)2517-6963 傳真:(02)2502-3270
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