
任何角色只要能存活五年就是成功的典範。LAIMO(來貘),百萬粉絲暢銷圖文作家Cherng筆下最深植人心的角色之一,自2012年至今,帶給每個人滿滿的歡笑聲。《來貘新定義:Cherng出道五週年依舊一事無成特輯》不只是一本圖文插畫書,也是Cherng 出道五週年的創作精華,書中有他筆下所有經典角色同台演出的長篇漫畫,也收錄插畫家商業跨界的各種心路歷程大公開,以及那些創作過程背後你會想知道的大小事!

THE KING OF NOTHING : 5th Anniversary
By Cherng
Any comic character that stand the test of time, let’s say 5 years, could last forever. One of the most successful Taiwanese comics creator and artist Cherng, founded his fan group on Facebook back in 2012, since then has attracted tens of millions of fans and followers. LAIMO, the most famous character he ever created, with the unique “LAIMO Style” sense of humour, Cherng brought laughter and joy to his fans from time to time. THE KING OF NOTHING : 5th Anniversary is not just any comic book, it also tells the stories behind all the works of Cherng that one may want to know!

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