
公司簡介About Us

Edd Lai Entertainment Ltd. is a Taiwanese visual and dramatic work company established in 2021. Our important core ability is focusing on creating fascinating stories with universal values. While we’re looking ahead to the Chinese, American and European markets, we are upholding our business concept of pursuing stable development and spreading happiness.

"How to be A Mind Reaver" is our best-known comic strip series. It’s serialized in both Chinese and English since 2020. The captivating stories with universal values feature vivid illustrations, and which touch and deeply beloved by readers from different languages and cultures.

服務 : 小說、漫畫、遊戲編劇、動畫編劇、影視編劇、圖像授權、周邊銷售、聯名合作
Our service: Script writing or offering stories for novels, comic strips, games, animated and visual work; Image license, selling goods and co-branding.


品牌簡介About Our Work
"How to be A Mind Reaver" is a full-length serialized comic strip series. It tells a parenting story about the dungeon owner, Cthu, who looks scary but has a tender heart, and he adopts an orphan girl, Luna, as his pupil. It combines the magic world with parent-child relationship, courage and child development in humorous interactions.

書籍內頁The inside of the book

明信片 The postcards

成為奪心魔之必要漫畫vol1.2 The Comic

海報 The poster

作品調性打破文化隔閡,具全球市場性,除了在台灣相當有人氣,在歐美也備受矚目,如英文版單行本於2021年底,在美國最大募資平台Kickstarter,創下台灣漫畫募資最高紀錄台幣230多萬元,以及在美國最大的網路平台Webtoon Canvas入圍2021年喜劇類前20名,此單一平台觀看次數就達到1200多萬次,證明了台灣漫畫在歐美發展的無限可能。
The series has broken the cultural barriers and shown its potential for global market. Apart from its popularity in Taiwan, it also stands out in America and Europe. The English edition has set the record of the highest-funded (76,383 USD) crowdfunding project for Taiwanese comic on Kickstarter. It’s also one of Top 20 WEBTOON CANVAS Awards nominees in the category of Outstanding ‘Comedy’ Series and has received more than 12 million views on the biggest webtoon platform in the US. All of these have proved the endless possibilities of Taiwanese comic entering the American and European markets.

彭莉婷Juno Peng
LINE ID:tatapengpeng
Address:14F., No. 37-1, Sec. 2, Yanping Rd., Pingzhen Dist., Taoyuan City 324605, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

電話:(02)2517-6963 傳真:(02)2502-3270
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