
  作品趣味面向廣泛,萌系美少女與譏諷要素並存的網路人氣繪師。與索尼電腦娛樂合作推出連載漫畫《Let's play PS Vita TV!》、《Enjoy PS Plus!》並長期提供插圖。2013年與惟丞和台灣街機大廠鈊象電子合作,推出的機器人動作漫畫《機甲英雄FIGHT!》大受好評,並於同年擔任台灣漫畫博覽會主視覺設計繪師。2015年與彭傑接受天下雜誌集團委託,一同製作科普漫畫《超科少年SSJ》,深入淺出的內容備受肯定,並於2018年同時入圍第9屆吳大猷科學普及著作獎以及第九屆金漫獎。2017年底與惟丞再度合作日本角川雜誌【月刊ドラゴンエイジ(Dragon Age)】與網路平台【ComicWalker】同時連載《剣士を目指して入学したのに魔法適性9999なんですけど!?》。2018年為台鈴機車設計動漫代言人<鈴木隼人>與<鈴木真希>。

  His works are fun, interesting and have a broad genre. He is an Internet celebrated comics artist who is able to successfully integrate beautiful young ladies with sarcasm. He has partnered with Sony Computer Entertainment to launch the comics《Let's play PS Vita TV》and《Enjoy PS Plus》and has provided illustrations for them for a long time. In 2013, in collaboration with Kurudaz and Taiwan's arcade manufacturer, International Games System, they launched the robotic action comic《機甲英雄FIGHT!》which was extremely well-received by the public. In the same year, he was one of the chief visual designers at the Taiwan Manga Expo. In 2015, together with PONJEA, they were commissioned by the Commonwealth Magazine Group to produce the popular science comic book《Super Science Junior SSJ》in which its explanation of profound theories in simple language was highly praised. In 2018, he was also included in the 9th Ta-You Wu Science Popularization Book Award and the 9th Golden Comics Award. During the latter part of 2017, he partnered with Kurudaz to work on the Japanese magazine, [Dragon Age] and the online platform, [ComicWalker] to simultaneously serialize《剣士を目指して入学したのに魔法適性9999なんですけど!?》In 2018, he created the anime spokespersons and for Suzuki Motors.

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