
  少年漫畫與萌系作品都十分拿手。2017年初與好面共同推出《超科少年SSJ》續集,並在次年入圍第9屆金漫獎兒童漫畫獎。同年與肝匠合作共同連載《失格紋的最強賢者》,單行本連續登上日本銷售公信榜「オリコン(ORICON)」。並於2018年及2019年兩度與《転生賢者の異世界ライフ》一同榮登日本「Renta!」年度暢銷榜,更在2019年06月12日當天一齊勇奪日本 POS 系統漫畫銷售日榜的冠亞軍。

  Popo is a newly emerging artist adept at creating youth cartoons and female cartoons. In early 2017, together with iimAn, they released the sequel to《Super Science Junior SSJ》and in the following year, the comic book was shortlisted for the 9th Golden Comics Award for Children's Comics. In the same year, he partnered with Liver Jam to serialize the《失格紋の最強賢者~世界最強の賢者が更に強くなるために転生しました~》whose four consecutive episodes entered the Japanese Sales Ranking System called "ORICON". It was also recognized by Japan's "Renta! "  e-book sales for the youth category in 2018 and 2019. At 2019.6.12 Japan POS comic ranking system, the book got the first and second winner new book on the same day.


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