
  擅長運動類漫畫的創作者,曾負責過偶像劇《High5 制霸青春》的漫畫角色以及Q版人物的設計與繪製。2017年起與彭傑合作於SQUARE-ENIX漫畫APP【マンガUP!(Manga UP!)】及網路平台【ニコニコ静画】連載《俺の現実は恋愛ゲーム??~かと思ったら命がけのゲームだった~》,目前為【マンガUP!(Manga UP!)】最高追蹤數作品,超過100萬人訂閱,系列熱賣突破35萬冊。

  Nashyu is a newcomer who specializes in sports comics. He was once in-charge of the comic characters for the idol drama "High5 Basketball" as well as the design and creation of the Q version of the characters. Since 2017, he has been working with PONJEA on the SQUARE-ENIX Comic App [Manga UP!] and [Nico Seiga], the Internet platform's serialized《俺の現実は恋愛ゲーム??~かと思ったら命がけのゲームだった~》which is currently [Manga UP!] 's most followed work, over 1,000,000 subscribers. The series sold over 350,000 books.


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