
  擅長展現女性魅力、畫風精細的新銳漫畫家,曾參與多項遊戲合作插畫,其中亦包含了知名作品《IS〈Infinite Stratos〉》改編 遊戲的專案合作插畫。於 2019 年與孟倫共同負責漫畫作品《我的女友是老師》正式出道,本作品於日本角川兩大電子平台【Comic Walker】及【ニコニコ静画】同步連載,單行本第一集於同年 10 月底發售,並創下第一集發售旋即再版的好成績。

  HoshiGani is a new generation artist good at drawing charming girls with detailed styles. He had joined many game projects, including famous novel 《IS 〈Infinite Stratos〉》game version.2019, he and SDwing worked together on manga 《我的女友是老師》and debuted. It is published on big web platform [ComicWalker] and [Nico Seiga] on the same time, and got good effort on the first volume, reprinted soon after publication.


電話:(02)2517-6963 傳真:(02)2502-3270
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