
  擅長熱血戰鬥少年類型和萌系類型的新星漫畫家。曾為超人氣IP《為美好的世界獻上祝福!》所推出的電影版連動宣傳單行本,繪製短篇漫畫<この覗き魔に怒りの爆焔を!>。2020年與彭傑共同執筆,為已宣布動畫化的知名手遊IP《Hortensia Saga 蒼之騎士團》製作漫畫版,於日本角川的紙本雜誌【月刊コミックアライブ(Comic Alive)】、及電子平台【Comic Walker】及【ニコニコ静画】同步連載。

  SEIJI is good at boys fighting comics and moe style comics, a new star artist.He had joined super famous IP《為美好的世界獻上祝福!》movie version's promotion manga, drew short episode 《この覗き魔に怒りの爆焔を!》. 2020, he worked together with Ponjea on project 《Hortensia Saga 蒼之騎士團》manga version, a famous mobile game IP which is animation coming out soon. The paper magazine version is serialized on  [Comic Alive]. It also published on big web platform [ComicWalker] and [Nico Seiga] on the same time.


電話:(02)2517-6963 傳真:(02)2502-3270
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