社團法人中華動漫出版同業協進會(簡稱中華漫協,CCPA)是台灣最有影響力的動漫產業組織,會員業別涵蓋:出版社、動畫代理、角色IP經營、遊戲、周邊商品、經銷商、Vtuber及偶像經紀等業者,除了每年在國內【原創IP風雲榜】及以【Taiwan IP Showcase】品牌前往海外推薦台灣原創漫畫及小說外,更辦理一年四次的大型動漫商展,包含【台北國際動漫節、台中國際動漫節、漫畫博覽會、高雄國際動漫節】,每場吸引40-60萬人次朝聖。
CCPA is the most influential organization in Taiwan's animation and comic industry, with members spanning diverse sectors such as publishing, animation licensing, character IP management, gaming, merchandise, distribution, Vtubers, and idol management. In addition to promoting original Taiwanese comics and novels both locally and abroad, CCPA organizes four major comic expos annually and is expected to attract more than 400,000 visitors.