(圖) 兩會主席握手象徵建立長期且友好的互動,左側為中華漫協國際事務委員會若森主委、右側為(DCAT) Mr. Sumith Simargool 執行長
參訪對象包含當地多家知名出版集團、最大的電子書平台、Boy's Love出版社及曼谷國際書展主辦單位。最後一站來到泰國角色協會 Digital Content Association of Thailand (DCAT),雙方除了友好雙向交流IP內容外,更藉由會面機會簽訂合作備忘,建立兩會長期且深度的友誼。未來將展開定期共同舉辦線上交流會、共同推廣兩會合作事項、業者媒合及共同內容開發等討論,促進台泰兩國原創動漫產業的互惠互利。
根據分享,泰國出版市場產值穩定成長,如今已達到近15億泰銖,其中漫畫約佔23%、小說佔41%。近年來,數位內容產業更是成長迅速,包括電子書及條漫用戶的增加,預期Z/Alpha 世代將成為新興讀者群,為市場注入新活力。
"The handshake between the two chairmen symbolizes the establishment of a long-term and friendly interaction.
On the left is Mr. Wakamori, Chairman of the CCPA International Affairs Committee, and on the right is Mr. Sumith Simargool, CEO of DCAT."
To deepen cooperation between Taiwan and Thailand and increase the licensing of original Taiwanese content to Thailand, the Chinese Animation & Comic Publishers Association (CCPA) organized nearly 10 Taiwanese publishing companies to visit Thailand for a five-day, four-night trip. The significance of this trip lies not only in promoting Taiwanese original content in the Thai market but also in establishing long-term and profound friendships, jointly promoting resource integration.
The visit included meetings with several well-known local publishing groups, the largest e-book platform, a Boys Love publishing company, and the organizers of the Bangkok International Book Fair. The final stop was at the Digital Content Association of Thailand (DCAT), where both parties engaged in friendly exchanges of IP content and signed a memorandum of cooperation, laying the groundwork for long-term and profound friendship between the two associations. In the future, they plan to hold regular online exchange meetings, jointly promote cooperative projects, facilitate industry matchmaking, and engage in joint content development discussions to foster mutual benefits for the original comic industries of Taiwan and Thailand.
According to shared information, the publishing market in Thailand has experienced stable growth, reaching nearly 1.5 billion Thai baht, with comics accounting for about 23% and novels for 41%. In recent years, the digital content industry has seen rapid growth, including an increase in e-book and webcomic users, with expectations that the Z/ Alpha generation will become a new and vibrant readership demographic, injecting new vitality into the market.
Following the pandemic, the CCPA has actively promoted original development for three years, including organizing the "Best IP Awards," a cross-industry event in Taiwan focusing on original comics and novels, and hosting its first overseas Business Networking Event in Publishing Industry, effectively connecting export chains and driving the development of Taiwan's original comic soft power.
This trip to Thailand not only brought Taiwanese and Thai publishers closer but also opened up more possibilities for cooperation in the original comic industries of both countries. We look forward to more collaboration and exchanges in the future, jointly promoting the development and exchange of original content between Taiwan and Thailand.
[About the Chinese Animation & Comic Publishers Association]
Established in 1998, the association is dedicated to promoting the development and cooperation of Taiwan's comic industry. Each year, budgets are allocated to actively promote the creation and licensing of original content and organize various activities to facilitate exchange and cooperation among members. Emerging comic industry players are also welcome to join our large family. For more information, please contact +886-2517-6963.